Welcome to Wheeler Bands

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Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 3 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 4 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 5 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 6 in a rotating selection of images.

The Wheeler Band program includes the award-winning Wildcat Pride Marching Band, three concert ensemble classes (Concert Band, Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble), Color Guard, Drumline, Percussion Ensemble, and Jazz Band along with opportunities to perform on the WHS Full Orchestra and Theatre Bands. The Band directors, Band Booster Club, parents and volunteers are dedicated to providing our students with positive, meaningful, and memorable experiences.

 Please be sure you've set up your account below.

How to set up your wheelerbands.org account

Login with Wheeler Bands  

 If you already have a login with a different organization that uses Membership Toolkit, use that same email and password here. 


Band News & Events

LGPE volunteers needed 3/21 & 3/22



Calling all class band parents & guardians! The band needs chaperones for LGPE (Large Group Performance Evaluations) in March. This is a really important event for our band students, so please sign up to help if you can!

--> https://www.wheelerbands.org/volunteer/143388

CFA Biscuits sale now 3 times a week!


 Biscuits: always Mon, always Fri, kids always love!

As always… Join us at Wheeler from 7:15-8:45 on Monday and Friday mornings to help sell Chick-Fil-A biscuits. Parent and student volunteers welcome! (Student volunteers will finish early so they can get to class on time.) This is an important fundraiser for the band, and we can’t do it without our volunteers! Sign in and sign up at wheelerbands.org.



Spring Shoe Drive - coming in April!

2025-2026 Booster Board

Co-Presidents - Lena Carstens & Ellen Sauve

VP of Operations- Yumi Hutchins

VP of Fundraising - Jody Kissling & Katie McLeod

VP of Volunteerism - Beth Warren

Co-Secretaries - Julie Sonnenberg-Klein & Susan Thompson

Treasurer - Maciej Miechowicz

Directors - Jason Frey & Mia Jordan

How do I join the Band?

Rising 9th graders, 2025-26 Registration opens soon (includes band classes during the school day and Marching Band).                           2025-26 Interest Form  

Besides learning the valuable skill of playing an instrument, there are many benefits to joining band. Click below to find out more.                                      Joining Band

Support the Wheeler Band

There are many ways to support the Wheeler Band! Click below to find out how. 

Support the Band

Thank you to our Pride Level Sponsor


Thank you to our Silver Level Sponsor

Thank you to our Navy Level Sponsors



Thank you to our Sponsors